Some time ago, a dear friend posted this picture online. My husband showed it to my daughter, and both were amused by the tears and drama….
Thirty years ago a bunch of 14 years old girls, after pouring their hearts and working hard as a team lost the first place in a competition,.. It was sad, it was terrible, so yes, it was a dramatic scene.
Now, I looked at the picture with nostalgia and even with a smile on my face, because despite the tears I had the most amazing time, and when I lost a competition also, I won so much more.
I won the best memories of laughter, and great adventures with awesome company.
I won experiences as a leader. Was I the best? Not even close… but I did the best I could.
I won friendships, people that I met through the years… I would like to think that because of those adventures, now I have friends around the world.
And I learned that it’s not about the loss or the win, it’s about the challenge, to enjoy the journey and to be the best yourself.
Dedicate to: La Patrulla Pantera…
“Alerta Pantera Alerta…..”